Go Abroad, Take your Chance!

The International Exchange is an experience offered by all Eurapco Partners. It gives you or your employees the opportunity to temporarily join one of the other Eurapco Partners. International exchanges contribute to personal development, and to solving business challenges in an effective and cost-efficient manner.


Depending on the International Exchange you wish to pursue, the duration of the programme can vary from one week to six months.


The specific location of the exchange will be determined during the application process. The location depends on the International Exchange needs, the topic you wish to pursue and acceptance by the host company.


The costs will be paid directly by the initiating member of the international exchange.


The exchange may require a temporary transfer to one of the Partner companies or their subsidiaries or may be organized entirely online.


Programme Details

To participate in an international exchange, your manager should contact the host company manager to discuss the exchange details. Then, reach out to your home company’s International Exchange representative for logistics and legal coordination.

If you have a specific role in your company, are open to learning, and have proficiency in English or the local language, you’re an ideal candidate for the exchange. This opportunity allows you to find solutions for business challenges and gain new insights.

If you need assistance, reach out to your home company’s international exchange contact, by clicking the button below: