Stay Connected!
Through the Alumni Networks we wish to inspire you as a leader or specialist. The ultimate goal of the Alumni Network is to enable the Eurapco Partner organizations to continue performing successfully on a high level, despite all the uncertainties we face in today’s world.
Alumni Events
The Alumni Events are all about building a foundation of trust which facilitates “creating value together.” We ensure this by intensifying the collaboration between the Eurapco Partner companies. These events provide our Alumni with access to inspiration, knowledge and the network to be successful, while promoting values of Eurapco. Alumni Events help to highlight the needs of leaders and specialists within the alliance better.
E-join communities
Eurapco’s online collaboration platform, e-join, is a way to connect and keep in touch with other alumni.
The link below will redirect you to the Eurapco Academy community, where you can stay up-to-date with news of past and upcoming activities of the Eurapco Academy.
Within this community you can click on alumni network to find other members of the alumni.